Jenni-Elf, The girl I love ...well, perhaps I am wrong in doing so, cause she loves me no more...
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B*I*N*G*O**B*I*N*G*O**B*I*N*G*O** and BINGO is my name-o...
I am also one of the chosen few who have mastered the THREE DOT TECHNIQUE...
buRn wrote the legacy of the "...", just so you know...
much love to KILLER CHICK, (if you ever see this page)...
check out my cat...he RULES!!
Golden treasures I contain, guarded by hundreds and thousands, stored in a labyrinth where no man walks. Yet men come often to steal my gold. By smoke I am overcome and robbed, left to build my treasure anew. What am I?
-riddle submitted by: Floppy Bob Hoolihan
The Curse
You are the victim of a wizards curse. The ailment of this curse is that you may only say one thing, be it a question or statement, before you become mute. It cannot be a compound question or statement, but one which presents no more than one thought or idea. Thereafter, speech does not arrive from your throat.
The one and only cure for this curse lies inside one of two castles which are flawlessly identical in appearance. The other castle contains certain death if entered.
You have arrived at a crossroads leading to each of the two castles, both visible in the distance. Just beyond the fork in the road is a small wooden cabin in wich identical twins live, two brothers and no one else. They dress identically and there is absolutely no way to tell the two apart. One is a knight, who only and always tells the truth about anything. The other is a knave, who always lies in his responses and otherwise. They both certainly know which of the castles contains the cure and wich leads to certain death.
You enter the cabin and see the two brothers. Having only one thing left to say, but potentially many actions to perform, you need to determine wich castle contains the cure to your curse so that you may retrieve it. Neither brother leaves the cabin for any reason. You have no way but your single line of speech to communicate with these men, and you may direct it toward either or both men at once, but choosing one will be a random choice as there is no distinguishable difference between the kninght and the knave, excepting that one always speaks the truth and one always lies.
The men will surely answer any question asked, but will not offer information by unprovoked will.
How, now, do you discover with absolute certainty which of the castles contains your cure?
-riddle submitted by: Floppy Bob Hoolihan
The Murder
Two sisters are at a tavern, sitting next to each other at the bar.A man sits down beside them and begins to flirt harmlessly with one of them, at which point one sister pulls out a gun and shoots him in the head in cold-blooded murder. There are many eyewitnesses, and the woman who committed the murder openly admits it during her trial.Even though the women are twin sisters of each other, they have distinguishable characteristics and it is quite clear which of them has done it. Yet the guilty woman never serves any of her sentence, despite being convicted of the murder. She is let go. Why?
-riddle submitted by: Floppy Bob Hoolihan
If you think you know the answer, E-mail me, and we'll see if your right...
You can E-mail me at: [email protected]
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