Well, all I can say is, I sure as hell hope you are happy... at least one of us is... and this is the pain you caused me...
Set me free you cried. I cried as well I. will mourn my loss even though you're still alive...
My world has crumbled. My love has shattered .All is lost .My body will wonder, that I'm sure .Look in my eyes, then you will know. My pain you will see. My sadness you will feel .My will to live is gone, that you will know. All you will see is simply death .Nothing more. Nothing less. My world has crumbled .My love has shattered. All is lost...
How many times will I ask myself why? How many times will I cry?
My all wasn't good enough. What is?
A man once said "It is better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all." Obviously this man never knew "Jenni-Elf". For if he did, he would have said "Don't waste your time with love. Love is but a lie to make us feel good for the time being or whenever it is convenient for the other person."
Lies,lies,lies,lies,lies. Five months of my life wasted, and for what? For a lie...
Nothing is real now except the pain you bring. My life has become my worst nightmare .And for that I thank you. For I shall never fall again
I love you and you lied to me. How nice...or rather, why am I not surprised? They all knew. And I closed my mind .Stupid me. For they were right...
I shall never trust you again. Your life revolves around lies .Lies to the one who loves you. Satan could not have done it better himself. For you had me convinced along with everyone else...
All I see are tears .All I feel is pain .You left me for nothing. Or, well, at least for someone who you will see twice a year if you're lucky .If you're lucky .I once thought I was the lucky one. I was, until you killed my spirit. Now all that is left is my body .My world has crumbled and there is nothing I can do .I shed a tear for every moment I spent with you .Every memory, a white hot poker jabbing at my heart...
When you see me, you wont see me at all. You will see a walking body, nothing more .All I am now is hallow. My heart , smashed. My soul , burned .My feelings, drowned in tears. My spirit, adrift. All you see is a shell. Nothing more than a dead man walking...
All I do is cry .I spend every night alone. Crying .You are gone .Oh the pain .I cant believe .I don't believe. But alas, tis true. I believed you .I trusted you .I gave you my heart .I gave you my soul. I gave you all I could offer .It wasn't good enough You love Tim and no other. Or, perhaps it is yourself you love. You lied to everyone ,Especaily me .I still love you .Can you not see ?I will continue to lay here all alone and empty .Crying myself to sleep every night .Oh the pain .I still love you .I'll spend every night alone. All I'll do is cry...
Tears burn my face .Tears that you made me shed .Why? That is all I can think, why... I know not why, you said you loved me .I was foolish enough to have believed you .Why? Hell, I don't know Perhaps because I love you and trusted you. Well, now I see I was wrong. If only I would have listened. All the warnings .No, I said, This one is different, she loves me... Again, I was wrong Lied to by a pretty face...
Had you actually loved me, you would not have put me through such misery...
I hope you are happy...
And I still love you dispite what happened...